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How Long Does The Denture Process Take?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 10:58 pm

Woman in dentist’s chair for denturesIf you’re ready to replace your lost teeth with dentures, you’re making a great investment, but the process will take more than one appointment. Don’t worry because it is time well-spent to benefit from a prosthetic that looks and feels natural. Every situation differs, but here’s what you can expect while on your journey to a complete smile.


How Can I Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day Without Harming My Smile?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 10:15 pm
Lady has oral pain

St. Patrick’s Day is renowned across America as a great day to party, but a good time always comes with certain risks. While many people are only worried about dealing with a hangover when they wake up the next morning, these celebrations can also be dangerous for your oral health if you are not careful. Here’s how to protect your teeth when you hit the pub with your buddies to celebrate this festive occasion!


What’s Causing Your Gums to Recede?

January 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 6:20 am
A closeup of gums that have receded

If something’s wrong with your gums, you might think they’d stand out more. Wouldn’t the tissues ache, bleed, or change color? That said, some problems can make your gums recede. This recession is often subtle but presents a real threat to your oral health. Luckily, you can prevent and manage the matter with dental care. Your Boca Raton dentist will even explain how. So, here’s a primer on what causes gums to recede and how dentistry can fix the pink tissues.


How Does Poor Oral Health Affect Your Metabolism?

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 11:49 am
An illustration of a fictional person’s metabolism

If you’re like most, you link bad oral care to dental problems. Fair enough – an unclean mouth will cause cavities, gum disease, and worse. Still, neglecting your teeth and gums doesn’t just harm them. The truth is that poor oral health also affects your metabolism. Unless you act, your mouth problems will damage the rest of your body. Your Boca Raton dentist can explain the matter further; here’s a primer on how an ailing mouth can lead to a weak body.


Dental Determination: 3 New Year’s Resolutions to Enhance Your Smile

December 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 8:15 pm
Resolutions written on decorative paper on a wooden background

With a new year right around the corner, now is the perfect time to set goals for self-improvement in the coming months. Many people tackle their health at the start of January by hitting the gym every day or drinking more water, but don’t forget your teeth! Your dental condition impacts your overall well-being, so it’s important to care for your smile. If you’re making resolutions, keep reading for 3 ideas that will keep your grin strong this season and beyond!


Coronation Day: How Teeth Are Prepared for Dental Crowns

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 11:44 pm

People usually think crowns belong on kings and queens, but teeth can wear them as well. Dentists use dental crowns to restore teeth to their original size, appearance, and function after damage due to infection or injury or dental procedures like root canals. However, it can be daunting to not know what to expect during the procedure if you’ve never received a crown before. Here’s what you can expect to happen when receiving a dental crown.


How Can I Get Some Sleep While I Have a Toothache?

November 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 10:30 pm
Woman has toothache in bed

Many people looking forward to a good night’s sleep suddenly realize that they have a nasty toothache while getting ready for bed. While that would certainly be unpleasant at any other time of day, it can be especially distressing when you’re trying to get some sleep. Here are a few tips for getting some sleep with a toothache before you can call your emergency dentist in the morning.


What Is the Process of Getting Veneers Like?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 10:28 pm
Lady smiles

Have you ever wondered why so many Hollywood stars have seemingly flawless teeth? You might be relieved to read that they weren’t all born with them. Porcelain veneers are the open secret behind the perfect smiles of the stars, and they are available at your local dentist’s office. If you’ve been thinking about getting them, you’d probably like to know how the procedure works. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting porcelain veneers.


Ouch! Here Are Some Foods That Can Easily Chip Your Teeth

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 10:28 pm

America is known for offering a wide variety of foods at grocery stores and restaurants. While it’s certainly delightful to have so many options for meals and snacks, there are some foods out there that can be dangerous to your smile if you are not careful. Nobody wants to be enjoying themselves while carelessly munching away on something only to hurt their teeth in the process. Here’s a brief list of foods that can damage your teeth and a few tips for enjoying them while keeping your smile healthy.


A Feast to Remember: How Dental Implants Enhance Your Thanksgiving Experience

October 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 7:37 am
Thanksgiving feast on a table

Thanksgiving is a time for family gatherings, expressions of gratitude, and most importantly, indulging in a sumptuous feast. However, for individuals grappling with dental issues, this festive occasion can often be a source of discomfort and anxiety. This blog explores how dental implants can transform the Thanksgiving experience, making it more enjoyable for those who have previously had to navigate the holiday with caution.

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