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Recovering From All-On-4 Surgery

April 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespecialist @ 1:40 am

All-on-4 upper dentureIf you’re ready to replace your missing teeth for good, All-On-4 is a great option. You’ll invest in the benefits of dental implants to enjoy the next best thing to your real teeth. Unlike traditional implant dentures, you won’t have to go without any teeth while your mouth heals. However, you won’t be able to chomp down on a juicy hamburger right away. It can take your jawbone several weeks to integrate with your implants. Don’t worry, here’s what you can expect when recovering from All-On-4 surgery.

What to Expect 1-2 Weeks Post-Op

Sedation will be used to keep you comfortable during your placement surgery, so you won’t feel any pain. However, once the effects of any sedatives or numbing agents wear off, pain and tenderness are normal. You should plan to rest for at least 72 hours. 

Take a prescribed or OTC pain reliever to manage your discomfort. Applying a cold compress to your mouth can numb the area and reduce swelling and bruising. You may notice light bleeding for a day or two.

Staying hydrated is important during your recovery. Sip from a glass instead of drinking through a straw to prevent delayed healing. Your dentist will instruct you to follow a liquid diet for at least a couple of weeks to avoid putting any pressure on your dental implants. 

You will also have to limit your physical activity for at least the first week. Exercise can raise your heart rate, which can cause bleeding and slow healing.

You must also commit to your oral hygiene to keep the surgical sites clean. Your dentist will explain how to brush and floss and discuss the benefits of rinsing your mouth with warm salt water to kill bacteria and combat inflammation.

What to Expect Up to 3 Months Post-Op

Your discomfort should improve gradually after 3 days post-op. Your gum tissue will heal around your implant posts in a couple of weeks. It can take several months for your jawbone to fuse to them. You mustn’t put too much pressure on your dental implants to lessen your risk of failure, so you’ll have to eat softer foods for a few more weeks. 

Your dentist will monitor your healing progression and let you know when you can resume your regular diet. You will have to give up some of your favorite foods for a while, but it’s a small sacrifice because you’ll regain up to 70% of your natural biting force after your mouth has healed.

You will need to take it easy for a few weeks, but you will never have to worry about replacing your missing teeth ever again. With the right aftercare, your new smile can thrive for decades. 

About Dr. Alberto J. Lamberti

Dr. Lamberti earned his dental degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and has regularly pursued continuing education in many specialties, like prosthodontics and dental implants. He can treat the most complex cases of tooth loss. Request an appointment through our website or call (561) 430-2705.

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